N54 GC upgrade build


Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
I have done some playing with tunerpro rt and obd2 and what`s missing seems first to be
adx definition file to correct connect laptop to dme. have someone succesful here done
tunerpro-ijeos dme connection on tunerpro, what adx file was used and what is to be done
to get it work ?

ADX definition files? I haven't heard of those before.

Second question should go propably to Tony at VTTO but schrick cam vanos settings, is there somewhere
to be found advises to them or map to start with ? closest setup for sure is Tonys fully built 9.5 compression
record twin GC engine so there could be best match.

I think @V8bait has done some tuning on Tony's car so maybe he may have some leads


Oct 28, 2017

it`s datastream definition file for tunerpro.
bin and xdf is well known to open and modify bin but there is
datastream trace on tunerpro too and that is the one i want to get work.

Datastream or data aquistion monitor in real time looks like this and it could could open real time tuning with traces straight in maps so you can follow
in which cell you are when tuning the dme like this and in my knowledge communication between laptop and dme trough obd2
need this adx file to work properly.

Othervice it`s to use mhd as communication channel just to upload and download bin files and use tunerpro as modifying platform.



Nov 2, 2016

it`s datastream definition file for tunerpro.
bin and xdf is well known to open and modify bin but there is
datastream trace on tunerpro too and that is the one i want to get work.

Datastream or data aquistion monitor in real time looks like this and it could could open real time tuning with traces straight in maps so you can follow
in which cell you are when tuning the dme like this and in my knowledge communication between laptop and dme trough obd2
need this adx file to work properly.

Othervice it`s to use mhd as communication channel just to upload and download bin files and use tunerpro as modifying platform.

View attachment 45483

Nobody has made an adx for the bmw community. It would be nice to have but mostly everybody just uses mhd to log and uploads to spool street or datazap.

I tuned Tony’s car and yes there’s gains from vanos tuning with cams... quite significant ones. Cams will help cars make power even with the stock vanos tables, but there’s optimizations that can be made. You won’t find them floating around because they are going to be case and tuner specific.

I really need to dyno this thing. Installed a M3 rack but had a few small issues and ended up parking it the last few months since I’ve been really busy, apparently I’m an essential worker. FYI the M3 inner tie rod has fewer threads than the 335i and you can’t center the steering wheel with it, gotta swap them. 335is has a more similar setup to the M3. Anyway come November it’ll be up again, it’s too bad fl2k had to be skipped for COVID.


Oct 28, 2017
Thankyou V8bait to clarify that there is no adx to be found working on n54 platform.

i have now spent some 5-6 hours to search and open different adx and ads files to
understand their logic how it is written, and just to figure out that right one is at least well hidden, not to
be found on inpa or ista (there must be something similair inside on those)

my professional skills at this point is not good enough to write that kind of files, that sucks.

I undestand very well that from stock to quite some degree of tunings mhd give to most
people easy and decent tuning capacity and people with needs of these kind of things
are to few that someone could sit down for a while and write that kind of files.

my opinion is that it could be more than nice to have because of that data trace what
could open fast way to track down specifiec cells what to tune.

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